God this new camera can't take macros. I should stick to my dSLR... I apologize for the picture. If I have time, I'll shoot another one.
Although Choxie has magnificently packaged goodies in their product line, and their selection of flavors is usually originally large, Val and I don't usually buy them because they cost too damn much! From a graphic artist's point of view I've always loved their "retro" "60's" "simplistic" packaging. They leave the quality of the chocolate itself to do the advertising.
You're going to laugh at me, but I found this package of Choxie underneath our refrigerator while searching for a cat toy that had traveled underneath. Though at least a year old, it looked to be in good shape, and still bore the red "Target Clearance" sticker upon it... According to me, it was still edible. So I ate it.
Let me just tell you up front that this package of Choxie truffles retails for $2.00. Boy was I surprised to open up the box and find a measly TWO pieces inside. Mind you, they looked like two very delicious pieces of chocolate, but still - a dollar each? I would be better off going to Godiva!
So, I finally bit into the truffle. Oh shat. This was heaven! This might actually be worth a dollar per piece. The chocolate truffles were extremely smooth and creamy and the chocolate flakes added to its delightfulness. Could this be the first "10" that I give out? Thinking it through, there wouldn't be a thing that I would do to this chocolate except possibly lower its price! Well kids, you've heard it from me. Go out and buy your own and try it for yourself. You won't regret it.
Choxie Chocolate Flakey Truffles (USA)Size: 24g
Calories: 140
Fat: 9g
Carbohydrates: 13g