Sunday, February 18, 2007

dark apple cider chocolate bar (USA)

After two years of waiting, today was the day of the bi-annual A. Panza and Sons Ice Cream Trade Show. I took a few pictures while I was there and ate way too many frozen products than I would care to share, but you'll hear about all of that tomorrow.

Today's entry is about Hebert's Dark Apple Cider Chocolate Bar. Now, a couple of weeks ago, Justin did a review on another Hebert's bar, the Dark Bananas Foster. As you can recall, he wasn't too impressed with the bar and asked for a wake up call when the flavor improved. I'll go into this review unbiased.

Upon first opening the bar, I could smell the overwhelming aroma of dark chocolate. Not a bad thing at all. However, I didn't smell anything that even closely resembled the apple cider. The bar was broken down into 10 sections and had even diagonal lines running across it. My first bite was one of awe. Whereas the Bananas Foster bar came up short, this one hit the flavor right on the money. The chocolate was delicious and the apple cider filling, though a tad on the sweet side, was en pointe. This is a bar I could see myself buying again. Good job on this one Mr. Hebert.

Hebert's Dark Apple Cider Chocolate Bar
Size: 64g Calories: 290 Fat: 15g Carbohydrates: 43g

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