Monday, April 23, 2007

Flowers Brand Haw Flakes (China)

I know what you're saying to yourselves. They look like little Chinese rolls of pepperoni. Well, I'd be lying if I said that they didn't. I was first introduced to these buggers when I was around 8 or 9 years old. My sisters and I would get them from this Asian food market called "Ding How". Oh, the memories. We would make pretend that one of us was a priest (usually me) and use them as Communion wafers.

Anyhow, yesterday I was in our local Asian super center and picked up a few candies, this being one of them. These are Haw Flakes. Simply put, they are slices of Tea. They are somewhat bitter to the taste but have a good amount of sugar added to counter it. Personally, I really don't know what I used to see in them, except that you could buy like 20 rolls of these for a dollar. Times really haven't changed very much, as a six pack still only set me back 39 cents. Maybe if I liked tea better, or perhaps if I scraped my taste buds out with a spoon these would taste much better. Then again, maybe not.

Flowers Brand Haw Flakes (China)
Size: ? Calories: ? Fat: ? Carbohydrates: ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are't made of tea. They're made from hawthorne berries.