I recently got my hands on a Nestle Coffee Crisp. I didn't think I had eaten one of these since the last time I was in Canada, several years ago. One strange thing I noticed about the packaging on this bar is that it was half in Spanish. Last time I checked, Canada had only two official languages. The outside of the wrapper described this bar as "wafers with coffee creme center" (galletitas con centro cremoso de cafe). It was an extremely chunky looking bar and relatively cheap for its size.
The bar itself looked like a lumpy Kit Kat Chunky. It had a very thin layer of chocolate surrounding the wafers. Each of the several wafers in turn had a very light coffee cream sandwiched in between. The actual taste of the bar was much lighter than one might expect. In fact as I ate it, I could picture Brits eating these with their tea. All in all, the bar was quite good, but not exactly as coffee flavored as I would have expected. I also would have like to have seen the chocolate be a bit thicker. Otherwise, this was a decent chocolate bar.
Nestle Coffee Crisp (Canada)Size: 50g
Calories: 250
Fat: 13g
Carbohydrates: 32g

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