Monday, March 5, 2007

glico almond crush pocky (Japan)

For those of you who have never had Pocky, let me explain them to you. Pocky is an extremely popular Japanese treat that has spawned (A) as many flavors as Kit Kat and (B) many many copycats. Summed up, Pocky are biscuit sticks covered in some form of chocolate coating. In this case it's chocolate with "almond crush". I am usually a big fan of the many flavors of Pocky, but this one was just a bit too much for me. I think Glico added just a few too many almonds in this flavor. And while I should have expected it with a name like "Almond Crush", I just couldn't get into it.

MuD: Too nutty for me, but the biscuit and chocolate were gold. I give it a high "7". Perhaps if there were more chocolate to drown out the amount of almonds, it would have received a higher rating.

It was creamy chocolate with a bunch of almonds in it. It has a very nutty taste. I think the almond taste outweighs the chocolate flavor but it's not like the chocolate taste is lacking. It's a candy for nut lovers. I give it an "8".

Look for more Pocky flavors in the future. We'll definitely review them.

Glico Almond Crush Pocky
Size: 20.5g Calories: 110 Fat: 6g Carbohydrates: 11g

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