I'm probably only going to write one more entry after this one and then there will be about ten days of silence. I'm going to Florida to run the Miami Marathon then relax afterward on a weeklong cruise with my wife. We went back to and once again on an impulse buy, I purchased a bag of Kit Kat Conversations.

Basically, they're regular two finger mini-bars with various messages imprinted on top of the chocolate. The wrappers have pink and red hearts as well as new "friendship exchange" logo on the top left corner. The back of the wrapper has spaces to write your name as well as the recipient's. The Kit Kat itself was extremely fresh and true to top notch Hershey flavor. There's a reason why regular Kit Kats are on top of my list.
While on the cruise, we'll be stopping in Puerto Rico, St. Thomas and Antigua. I'll be sure to bring back some foreign goodies to review.
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