I think it's really neat how the Japanese Kit Kats usually come in a ornately designed box. This box in turn houses (2) two-finger Kit Kat bars in a more subtle wrapper. Upon opening up this bad boy, the aroma of cantaloupe melons rushed from the wrapper up to my nose. Being a fan of cantaloupe to begin with, this was a good sign of things to come. My first bite into the Kit Kat was one of pure amazement. The chocolate wasn't really chocolate and it didn't even have the "white chocolate" taste either. Instead it tasted like the traditional crisp Nestle wafer enveloped in a sweet creamy Cantaloupe icing. I was very impressed with Nestle's ability to pull this one off without the product coming off too sweet or fruity. Overall, I would recommend this one to other Kit Kat enthusiasts, but the average chocolate and candy lover might find it a bit on the "strange" side.
Up until this month you could only buy the Melon flavored Kit Kat in Hokkaido but it sounds like Nestle has decided to expand its sales to the whole country and start donating 10 yen of every sale to help bail out the now defunct city of Yubari. A little political maybe, but a nice touch...
My mother-in-law brought some of these back from her trip to Singapore. It was definitely this specific brand as the other melon flavor they released is chocolate and melon, and is chocolate colored. She brought these orange colored ones home. Let me say, absolutely the best thing I have ever had in my mouth. Know of any online retailers that will ship to the US? Jinxt@sumthingstoopid.com
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