I picked this up as an impulse buy while the Target cashier was scanning our groceries and Val was running back to pick up the apple sauce she had forgotten to throw in the cart. I had seen this before but had never actually been daring enough to try it. No, wait. Daring isn't the right word. What I'm trying to say is that I didn't want to spoil the Hershey chocolate flavor by making it a part of a chewing gum which would eventually become as bland as a plastic spoon.
Guess what? Three minutes into chewing this gum, it does taste like a plastic spoon. I was extremely disappointed that Hershey would even put its name on this. Initially there is a slight "false" chocolate taste but it fades quickly... I mean within the first thirty seconds. Then three minutes into the process, you might as well be gnawing plasticine. I don't even think I'll finish the rest of the pack.
Hershey's Chocolate Flavor Bubble Yum (USA)Size: 8g
Calories: 25
Fat: 0g
Carbohydrates: 6g

Hey! Keep up the candy blog you rock
I love this CHOCOLATE GUM!!!!!!!!!!!! Last night I went to Target where I first found chocolate gum,and they were all out, the cashier said that they got rid of all of it, I was in shock!!! I CANT FIND IT!!!!!!!!!!
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